I am so excited to introduce to you the Mattie Nottage Global Prayer Network. This powerful kingdom network was birthed out of a divine mandate to bring the nations back to God through prayer. I firmly believe that every kingdom principle is activated and cultivated upon the foundations of prayer. I further believe that prayer is a powerful weapon of offense and defense given to the Body of Christ and, if skillfully engaged, can empower you to walk in levels and realms of spiritual authority.
Prayerlessness is one of the greatest travesties plaguing the Body of Christ. I believe that if you are trained, empowered, and equipped to pray that you, as a kingdom believer will begin to see greater victories in your life, home, school, work place, churches, community, nation and region. Therefore, I invite you to embark upon this kingdom journey with us through this powerful Prayer Network.
The Mattie Nottage Global Prayer Network is a subsidiary of Mattie Nottage Ministries, Int’l. The primary focus of this life-changing network is to bring together believers from around the world for one common goal, prayer. Our commitment and dedication are to teach, train, and develop every partner and member in every area of prayer, spiritual warfare, intercession, and deliverance.
The Mattie Nottage Global Prayer Network fosters a unique Prayer & Intercession Training Module developed by Prophetess Mattie Nottage based on over thirty (30) years of experience in cultivating a deep relationship with God. During that time, Prophetess Nottage learned radical tactical skills for victoriously engaging in prayer, spiritual warfare, and deliverance which she imparts to the Body of Christ through the Mattie Nottage Global Prayer Network.
Every born again believer, prayer warrior, and intercessor who believes they have been called to the ministry of Prayer and Intercession is eligible to join the Mattie Nottage Global Prayer Network. As a Mattie Nottage Global Prayer Network Partner, you will be eligible to be a part of:
Firstly, we would like for every MATTIE NOTTAGE GPN Partner to appreciate that being Partner is an honor and privilege. Prophetess Dr. Mattie Nottage is an authentic prophet and a powerful servant of the Lord who has a divine mandate to win souls for Jesus Christ and advance the Kingdom of God. She is seeking partners who are kingdom minded and desire to help her carry out this kingdom assignment.
Partnership with the MATTIE NOTTAGE GLOBAL PRAYER NETWORK is your investment to help Prophetess Nottage in her global mission for souls. It is also your dedicated commitment to fast at least once per week and pray for Prophetess Mattie Nottage, her husband Apostle Edison Nottage, their family, and ministry.
Your partnership supports Prophetess Nottage to WIN MILLIONS OF SOULS through:
Your partnership benefits are available immediately upon you satisfying the enrollment process.
© 2025 Mattie Nottage Ministries. All Rights Reserved.
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