- Our number one priority is to prepare kingdom-minded believers for the ministry of winning souls for the kingdom of God.
- Our goal is to mobilize kingdom troops to strategically evangelize our communities, cities, nations, regions and the world at large.
- Our goal is to facilitate the Kingdom Outreach for souls within and outside of the four walls of the Church; within and without our region.
- To build a global prayer network consisting of a minimum of 120,000 prayer warriors and intercessors, worldwide.
- To establish and raise up apostolic-prophetic people who are discipled, servant leaders and empowered kingdom ambassadors; sending them forth to fulfill the call of God on their lives for the sake of the kingdom.
- To establish apostolic teams equipped with the five-fold ministry in their hearts and prepared to establish kingdom outreach ministries throughout the world and impact nations.
- To establish Global Prayer Centers and Ministry Training Institutes in the Bahamas and around the World in order to facilitate the preparation of the Bride for Kingdom advancement and expansion.
- To expand and establish care facilities and mission houses around the world in order to meet the needs of people everywhere and assist in evangelism and outreach goals.
- To develop Global Transformation and Empowerment Centers which will offer faith based programs to empower and impact families, youth and children.
- To establish Family Life Centers impacting the youth and families through social networks consisting of Food Distribution, Housing Needs, 24-hour Counseling Centers and a 24-hour Prayerline throughout the Bahamas and around the world in order to facilitate opportunities for practical experience in these areas of Ministry.
- To establish a Kingdom Business Network of like-minded believers who are empowered to get wealth and committed to funding the needs of the Kingdom, worldwide.
- In accordance with Acts 2:46 we will seek to advance the work of God by mobilizing trained Apostolic teams as we establish branches of Believers Faith Outreach Ministries, Int’l Churches around the world by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

What is the Mattie Nottage Global Prayer Network (GPN)?
The Mattie Nottage Global Prayer Network is a subsidiary of Mattie Nottage Ministries, Int’l. The primary focus of this life-changing network is to bring together believers from around the world for one common goal, prayer. Our commitment and dedication are to teach, train, and develop every partner and member in every area of prayer, spiritual warfare, intercession, and deliverance.
Why the Mattie Nottage Global Prayer Network?
The Mattie Nottage Global Prayer Network fosters a unique Prayer & Intercession Training Module developed by Prophetess Mattie Nottage based on over thirty (30) years of experience in cultivating a deep relationship with God. During that time, Prophetess Nottage learned radical tactical skills for victoriously engaging in prayer, spiritual warfare, and deliverance which she imparts to the Body of Christ through the Mattie Nottage Global Prayer Network.