Message From Our Founders
For over thirty years, my wife and ministry partner, Prophetess Dr. Mattie Nottage and I have experienced the ups and downs of ministry. We have seen the power of God manifested in ways that we have yet to articulate. We have also experienced the benefits of having strong kingdompartnerships and the right connection.
We believe that our God is a God of times and seasons. In past seasons, we further believe that many pastors set out to fulfill their kingdom assignment and to do what God had called them to do. However, we believe that God is calling the Body of Christ to unite in order to take the administration and demonstration of the gospel of the kingdom to another level.
The Word of God declares in Deuteronomy 32:30 and Joshua 23:10 “…. one can chase a thousand but two can put ten thousand to flight.”
As a result, we would like to invite you to be a part of the Believers Faith Outreach Ministries Int’l Pastors Alliance with Apostle Edison and Prophetess Mattie Nottage, one of the fastest growing kingdom alliances in the world.
This powerful alliance offers you a kingdom ministry connection that will provide you with a sound spiritual environment, ministry training opportunities, access to a plethora of ministry resources and much more.
As a result of our covenant relationships we are believing that the kingdom of God will be advanced here on earth and that God would get all the glory!

Who we are?
The Believers Faith Outreach Ministries Int’l Pastors Alliance is a non-denominational, multi- cultural fellowship of Christian Senior Pastors who desire spiritual growth, developement and covering.
Our Primary Goal?
Our primary goal and purpose is to uniteleadership in the kingdom of Almighty God by fostering spiritual parental guidance and care for Pastors who are willing to build strong covenant relationships to fortify their spiritual leadership.
Our Mission?
The Believers Faith Outreach Ministries Int’l Pastors Alliance seeks to enhance the overall development of every pastor who is a part of our Alliance. Through prophetic impartation and spirit-led guidance, we believe that pastors will strengthen and accomplish their designated kingdom mandates.
Kingdom Networking?
It is our belief based on the ministry of Jesus Christ, that in every great house there are many vessels. The Believers Faith Outreach Ministries Int’l Pastors Alliance is a kingdom oriented network of highly qualified leaders who are dynamically united with a diverse background. With over 30 years of active ministerial functions, Apostle Edison & Prophetess Mattie Nottage offer a wealth of kigndom experience; operating in the five-fold ministry giftings has positioned them to raise spiritual sons and daughters worldwide regardless of the socioeconomic or ethnic status. Our foundation is built on the one true and living God, The Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Connecting With Us
The Believers Faith Outreach Ministries Int’l Pastors Alliance is for an elite group of pastors who are humble, sincere, integral and desire supernatural covering.
To become a member of the Believers Faith Outreach Ministries Int’l Pastor Alliance you must be a born-again Christian and a senior pastor of a church that is established and recognized by our jurisdictional or local municipality as a church. The church must have a minimum number of members besides your immediate family. The Pastors must submit a completed ministerial application.
Financial Commitment?
Believers Faith Outreach Ministries Int’l Pastors Alliance does not charge its pastors to be a part of this alliance however to join you must also submit a tangible personal seed offering along with your application.