Apostle Edison Nottage, as he is affectionately called, is a man of Faith, Vision and Power. He accepted Jesus at the age of sixteen and immediately began witnessing by sharing the gospel of the Kingdom with others. He became an active and faithful member at his local church, where he served as a youth minister and aid to his pastor. Apostle Nottage is married to Prophetess Mattie Nottage.
After much prayer and fasting Apostle Edison and his wife answered the call of God to full-time Ministry. God had spoken clearly to them instructing them to go forth into ministry raising the standard of righteousness and holiness in the lives of young people and families.
In July, 2000 Apostle Edison Nottage, along with his, wife founded and established Believers Faith Outreach Ministries, International in beautiful Nassau, Bahamas. They are esteemed as dynamic, anointed tag-team partners, called to the kingdom for such a time as this.
The mission of Believers Faith Outreach Ministries International is to break through the barriers of tradition and develop a righteous army of believers who will revolutionize the Islands of the Caribbean, the United States of America and the world.

Apostle Nottage is a powerful teacher of the word. His practical teachings on faith and prosperity, and the demonstration of the power of God has changed the lives of many people in our nation and around the world.
He and his wife have founded several organizations which are presently transforming lives everywhere. Some of which are: Breaking The Chains Conferences, The Mending The Marriage Ministry, the “When Lions Roar” Men’s Ministry, the Youth In Action Group, Boys II Men Club, Girls of Excellence Club, Youth Back To The Cross Ministry and The Global Dominion Network.
In recognition of his significant achievements, he received his Doctor of Divinity degree from St. Thomas University, Jacksonville, Florida. He is the author of his bestselling book, “Don’t Quit, Get Back In The Fight!”
Dr. Edison Nottage’s aim is to build the faith of believers while equipping the to gain the victory in every area of their lives.
“When you were born, you were given an eternal purpose by GOD. Along with that purpose came an assignment, Along with that assignment came the measure of faith needed to bring it to pass.” (Roman 12:3)