Category: Uncategorized

25 Dec
By: admin 133


To All Of Our Friends & Partners
✅ DO NOT FRIEND o/FOLLOW ON THESE FAKE PAGES( Unfriend if you have done so already)
✅ DO NOT SEND OR SOW ANY MONEY TO THESE FRAUDSTERS (We will never call you to ask for money)

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21 Jun
By: admin 24



When you are at the forefront of any organization, Ministry, business or Movement or may be a public figure or considered a high profile person, you can expect to be criticized. Expect people to find faults with you, dislike you, hate what you do or even how you do what you do.

I discovered that for every ten people who love and celebrate you, there may always be at least one person that may have an issue with you.

It is a proven fact that when someone shares a different belief from you or have a different opinion than you on any subject matter, they will tend to criticize you. For the most part, what people don’t understand they “villainize” or demonize it especially as it relates to Spiritual Things.

In other words, they stick an evil banner on what you do in an effort to defame your character or make you appear evil in the eyes of others. Critics are deliberate in their attacks. They have no intentions on changing their view towards you and will go to any length to try to hurt you. They do this by using whatever platform they have at their disposal, inciting their followers against you.

Critics who do not tame their criticism nor seek to bring it under control, can become what I call extremists; sinister and shark-like in nature. They seek out affiliates and associates who are of like mind, like spirit and beliefs.

Never be discomforted nor moved by deviant critics. Please note that most people who are chronic critics criticize you because most times they have a bigger struggle than you, but refuse to admit it. They do not care. They have no respect for you. They will beat and bash other Christians just like you, no matter what your spiritual office is in the kingdom. These people hate Prophetic people or anyone that they perceive as different from them.

POINT TO NOTE: People who build their fame and platforms by defaming others, will one day defame themselves.

Critics are normally pessimistic people. They should be careful that they do not become social media or internet terrorists; bashing and criticizing everyone who does not agree with their “view point” or interpretation of scripture.

These are what I call modern day Pharisees who resemble the religious sect of Jewish critics who had set themselves as enemies of Jesus’. Those wicked Pharisees watched Jesus’ Ministry every day; trying to find something to accuse Him of, while they themselves had issues in their own lives.

POINT TO NOTE: Only God can Deliver a Pharisee!

People who are always criticizing others, carry a spirit of condemnation. They oftentimes share that they are only doing what they are doing because they want others to see “the light”. Which, by the way, is so far from the truth.

They will stalk you relentlessly, and even follow you on social media; researching you and directing negative attention to you all in an effort to cyberbully you in the name of God or the Bible.

They listen to and watch you to scrutinize your beliefs or teachings. They challenge or deviantly harass or seek to assassinate your character by calling your name or giving enough discrediting information to your ministry, work or assignment.

Critics for the most part sometimes have something they can teach you, but fail to teach you for fear of you becoming of greater influence than them. Instead of informing and helping, they prefer to criticize you, which is in my opinion the low road.

Eventually, they become negative critics on a pathway to deliberately and intentionally cause pain or seek the demise of the ones they chose to injure. Generally, people who negatively criticize you tend to be cynical and angry about everything. Quite often, they use their time and resources to try to undermine and vehemently abuse your name.








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23 Mar
By: admin 40


Greetings Beloved, in the name of Jesus Christ. It is important that I write to those of you who are called to stand and partner with us in ministry.

We are in very serious times as Jesus is coming soon. We are seeing so many people who are afflicted by demons and sickness more than we have ever seen. Our phones never stop ringing and the cry for help from all around the world has grown greater.

Apostle NOTTAGE and I have been given a Profound Grace to carry on this mission for the Revival of Souls that has been ongoing for many years.

In particular, we have been leading the charge for THE GLOBAL PRAYER REVIVAL for almost one year; praying without ceasing as the Father has instructed us and are happy to announce that during our April 1st – 4th weekend, we will celebrate this glorious milestone.

We have seen many miracles, signs and wonders by the hands of God and anticipate that as scores of people continue to come to our Ministry here in the Bahamas, that there will be many more. Our Global Church via our online platforms has exploded and have grown exponentially as we continue to touch millions all around the world.

Needless to say we cannot do this great mission alone. We need the support of our intercessors and prayer warriors like you who will pray with us daily during our midnight and morning prayer watches.

We also invite you to fast with us at least 1 day of each week, preferably Wednesdays, from sunrise to sunset.

On Monday March 29th – 31st, we will engage 3-days of fasting and prayer entitled, FOR THE GRACE & MERCY OF GOD FAST. You can receive more information and sign up to participate in this fast on our website at

We wish to also Thank You for your continued financial support and sowing into the Ministry and also into our lives. It is because of so many supporters that we are reaching more people every day with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

As a result of operating 24 hours 7/days a week and engaging in non-stop ministry, our equipment is in constant need of repairs and upgrade. We will appreciate the continual giving of your tangible seed gifts, tithes and offering in this regard as we are now once again seeking to upgrade all of our broadcasting equipment. Thank you for your generous gifts.

Those of you who give to the EDISON & MATTIE NOTTAGE CARE FOUNDATION, THANK YOU IS NOT ENOUGH! You have helped us to feed and bless so many people everyday and for this we express our heartfelt thanks. We pray that God will greatly bless you and your entire family.

We are leaning and trusting God for more grace, in addition to what He has given to us, to deliver his people. As we continue to lean on this grace our deepest desire and prayer is to see more people set free from the grip of Satan. Thank you again for standing with us in PRAYER, FASTING AND GIVING. God Bless You!

Apostle Edison & Prophetess Dr. Mattie NOTTAGE.
Sr. Pastors




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21 Mar
By: admin 66




The absence or weakness of prayer warriors and intercessors may leave the Prophet or Apostle open to unnecessary spiritual warfare.

The forcefield of faith and the invisible hedge of protection can never be broken. There must always be prayer and supplication made for the ones who God called to lead his Dynamic Kingdom Army.

Ezekiel 22:30
I look for a man to stand in the gap and make up the hedge…..but I found none.

Your calling from God is a high calling, you must consider that this calling is to pray and cover. It is to stand in the gap for your Nation, your family, the church and yes your spiritual leaders. The Spirit of God will increase in you more and more as you endeavor to pour out, in prayer, before him more so for someone else other than yourself.

2 Peter 1:10
Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:




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04 Dec
By: admin 72


For many centuries man has been in relentless pursuit, trying to discover the origin and power of the God Who created the Heavens and Earth.  Time and time again, man’s frail and fruitless attempts to prove The existence of the Almighty God has left him to deduce  that He is invisible;  that He cannot be seen by the naked eye nor touched by mans’ hands. This powerful omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God rules the entire world from His Throne and seat of Authority in the spiritual realm.

This God divinely orchestrates, fashions and causes us to win every battle in the SPIRITUAL REALM AND THEN gives us the ability to WATCH THE VICTORY MANIFEST IN THE PHYSICAL REALM.  We radically affect the physical realm from the spirit realm!

12 Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:
13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:
14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:
15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:
16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.
18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.
19 For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell;

“And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.”
THE CHURCH and God’s Prophets are a powerful force in the earth. We are HERE TO PREACH THE GOSPEL (Word of God).  WE ARE SPIRITUAL BEINGS in Human Bodies.  We affect Everything by His invisible Spirit, even the things that you know not of.
Therefore, whether our doors are opened or closed, we will affect change in our economy and the Spiritual Climate over entire Nations.  We will help to strengthen The lives Of God’s people, worldwide by the power of The Holy Spirit.



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21 Sep
By: Mattie Nottage Publications 154


 “…and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”  (Matthew 16:18b) 

The spiritual realm is more real than the natural realm.   Almost everything that we see or experience in the natural world in which we live originates from the realm of the spirit.  In that realm there are two kingdoms that are diametrically opposed to each other; the kingdom of darkness, commanded by satan and the Kingdom of Light which operates under the sovereign rulership of Jehovah, the Almighty God.

Since God gave man dominion over the earth, both the Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness seek to advance their purposes on earth by using a human vessel. Once the vessel agrees to be used that is called legal rights.

As a living, created, functioning being God has already given man total dominion to operate His kingdom on earth.  However it is the will of the Father that the Kingdom of God functions on earth as His kingdom functions in Heaven. *(Genesis 1:26-28) * On the other hand, satan fights to oppose the will and purposes of God from manifesting in the earth realm. The enemy operates from the realm of darkness and gains dominion in the earth realm by using demons as his wicked agents.  The enemy may also influence or manipulate a man or woman to carry out his evil purposes.

Matthew 11:12 warns that “Ever since the days of John, the Baptist until right now, the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force.” Every believer, as a citizen of the kingdom of God must understand that we are in a perpetual spiritual warfare against satan and the kingdom of darkness.  Although this warfare is coming from the invisible realm, it is very real.

In Matthew 16, Jesus reveals that even the gates of hell will wage war against the Kingdom of God but will never prevail.  As long as the Church maintained the position that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the One who came to save and set His people  free from the enemy, no matter what attack comes from hell, the righteous would prevail.

When Jesus died, He went to hell and took the keys of access to death, hell and the grave and gave you, as a believer power  on earth to bind and loose, with all of Heaven backing you.    Therefore, you have been given power over all the plans and schemes of the enemy and the Spirit of God will not allow any trap of the enemy to overtake you. (Matthew 16:19, Luke 10:19, 1 Corinthians 10:13)  The shed blood of Jesus Christ fights for you and not even the gates of hell can prevail against you because Jesus died so that you could live!



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03 Sep
By: Mattie Nottage Publications 58


          In order for the glory to fall, we must all take responsibility and begin to earnestly seek for the glory of God to return to the House of God.  However, before the glory can return to the house, it must return to the life of each individual that is in the Body of Christ.  As a corporate body, there was a demand placed on each individual, family and tribe to maintain a holy and spiritually pure life.  In the case when Israel went up against the people of Ai, a small group of their enemies, they were sorely defeated.  (Joshua 7:1 – 26)
          When they returned to their camp, David went before the Lord and asked why they had been defeated by their enemies. The Lord revealed to him that there was sin in the camp.  He was instructed to go family by family, row by row and person by person to find out who had sinned.  After this process of elimination was over, it was revealed that Achin had hid false idols in his tent.  The judgment of this sin was death.  Although it was Achin who sinned, his entire family was judged and, ultimately destroyed. After his sin was judged, they again returned to the battle and, now that the presence of God was with them, they were able to win.
          If we are truly seeking a move of God in the midst of our services, we, as a corporate body of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers and believers must all begin to take responsibility for the manifestation of His glory; from the parking lot to the pew; from the pew to the pulpit; we are all carriers of the glory of God and must all remain committed to living a holy life.  We all must live in a way that continues to cultivate His presence and an atmosphere for the manifested glory of God.



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03 Sep
By: Mattie Nottage Publications 33


“And the vessel that he made of clay was marred (Broken) in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it.” –  (Jeremiah 18:4)

One of the greatest disappointments for any potter or pottery maker after hours of labour is to have the vessel he is making cracked or broken.  He has to choose to either throw the damaged vessel away or use the same clay to make another one.

He chooses to remake the vessel because he already knows within himself the vessel has potential, regardless of its earlier imperfections. I believe God feels the same way about us. He knows that we have cracks and air bubbles but still chooses to work on us.

Additionally, He puts Apostles, Prophets or Pastors in your life as Potters to help make, mold and fashion you into what He wants you to be. (Ephesians 4:11, 12)

The Apostle, Prophet or Pastor in your life should be chosen by God.   In Jeremiah 3:15, the spirit of God says,  “I will give you Pastors after my own heart…”

In other words you don’t always get to choose your Pastor based on compatibility but rather based on God’s good pleasure and what He seeks to form in you. This Pastor will be used by God to help shape and mold you into God’s desired vessel. Your willingness and humility will help the process, but your pride or unwillingness will prolong and delay the process.

When the vessel is finished being made, the Potter heats a fire extremely hot and shoves the vessel in it. This firery process is to ensure that the vessel is sealed and ready to be polished and painted. It is fire tested!

1 Peter 4:12

Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:

In 1 Peter 4:12, the Word of God admonishes that you are not to think that fiery trials, which were sent to “try” or “test” you are strange.

The purpose of your test is to refine you and to create of you a vessel that is prepared for any adversity that may come your way.  Just because you are being tested does not mean that God does not love you or that He does not care about you or that He has allowed these trials to come to destroy you.   Nothing could be further from the truth.

As a matter of fact, God sometimes allows you to be broken. He allows you to go through the process to remake you over again. God wants to strengthen you.  That’s right, your “fiery process” is necessary because when the time is right God, Himself wants to put a seal on you that you have been Pressure-Tested…and Approved!



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20 Jul
By: Mattie Nottage Publications 125


Contrary to what many people believe, satan’s kingdom of darkness  is highly organized and operates strategically.   Satan uses demonic technology against you based on information that has been diligently researched.  The enemy’s demonic agents such as familiar spirits, monitoring demons, drones, satanic surveillances and other intel systems gather information about you, your family, your strengths and weaknesses, etc. and with such data, seek to devise a cleverly constructed system through which to destroy you.

At times, the enemy seeks to work with the unrejuvenated areas already working in your life.  The Word of God reveals that men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil. (John 3:19)

Information received from ancestral spirits, familial spirits, family curses, your individual spiritual DNA and the like are gathered by satan’s highly technical system and used against you to defeat you.

The ultimate goal of satan’s demonic infiltration network is to stop you from ever coming into the fullest measure of who you are in God.   Satan seeks to sabotage anything that is God-ordained in your life or that would seek to be a threat to his kingdom.  Any child of God, who knows who they are in God and is able to walk in kingdom power and authority is an ultimate threat to satan’s kingdom.   His network and intel system is diligently at work, day and night to try to defeat you and get you to “change your mind” about serving God.

Psalm 91:5, 6

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

In Psalm 91:5, 6 we see that the enemy attacks with demonic arrows that fly by day; destruction that seeks to operate at noonday and terrors that are unleashed by night; and all of these are launched by wicked demons that exist or walk about in the realm of darkness.  These are all demonic spirits, assigned to weary you, discourage you and terrorize your life.

The Word of God reveals that God commanded the light to shine out of the darkness, therefore light dispels darkness and will always win over the enemy.   (Genesis 1:2, 3; 2 Corinthians 4:6)  God, His confederation of holy angels and the Kingdom of Light will always defeat satan, his demons and the kingdom of darkness.
(Revelation 12:7-11) 

Psalm 91:1 reveals that once you remain under the divine protection and watchful care of the Almighty God, no weapon of the enemy shall be able to prosper against your life. (Isaiah 54:17)  The weapons may form, but they will not prosper.  

No matter what “demonic intel system” the enemy has established, Jesus encourages us in Luke 10:19 that we have power over all the powers of the enemy.  God loves us so much that He will not allow any demonic network or confederation fighting against you to harm you. Your relationship with God, along with a dedicated prayer and Word life, gives you access to the power that God has given you to defeat all the powers, strategies, schemes, plots and plans of the enemy, regardless of his demonic intel systems.  You have the victory through the blood of Jesus Christ and there is nothing that your enemy can do about it!



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20 Jul
By: Mattie Nottage Publications 47


Have you ever wondered why it is so much easier to watch eight (8) hours of football than to spend an hour in prayer?   Or why you count it as nothing to spend $500 on a shopping spree but feel like you are being robbed when asked to sow $100 into the kingdom of God?   It is because we have maladapted to a worldly system full of demonic technology that boasts of greater pleasures and rewards than those offered in the Kingdom of God.

By definition, technology means the application of scientific knowledge for practical or intended purposes or the demonstration of the purpose of something.  Technology can further be defined as the application of information to define or demonstrate the purpose of a thing.

Therefore, demonic technology is the application and use of scientific and satanic knowledge for the practical purpose, especially from the demonic kingdom, to manipulate, control and ultimately destroying your life.

It is a demonic network built on the world’s carnal system, demonic doctrine, ungodly knowledge and satanic information all in an effort to subvert your love for God and divine purpose and destiny in God.   (Mark 8:36) This system operates from satan’s demonic kingdom of darkness.   Darkness simply means to be void of light.  Since God is a spirit and He is light and in Him there is no darkness at all, spiritual darkness means to be void of the presence  of God. (1 John 1:5; John 4:24) 

Therefore, the spirit of darkness is a demonic principality which works under the direct instructions of the devil, himself.  Every day, this principality along with a confederation of demons are on assignment, launching and devising destructive strategies to seek to cover the earth with darkness and remove God out of the hearts and minds of  people.

This demonic technology was used against the believers in Jude 1 who were admonished to earnestly contend for the faith which was delivered to them by the Apostles.  Jude further speaks of evil men who crept into the fellowship of believers that day to try subvert their minds and twist the truth of gospel. No doubt, these evil men were being used by a confederation of demons to try to sabotage these believers and cause them to abort their kingdom assignment, walk away from the Church or destroy their relationship with God.

Although, the enemy continues to devise wicked conspiracies against the kingdom of God, we, as believers should also be admonished to earnestly spend time strengthening our faith in and relationship with God.  Spending quality time in the presence of God will help you  to identify and overcome the subtle workings of demonic technology in our life, family, community and nation.



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Mattie Nottage Ministries International.