Blog Post

17 Apr
By: Mattie Nottage Publications 11


Prayer does not just change things, but prayer has been proven to change things on every level. Although this may be true, many times people tend to use prayer as a last resort when they are faced with a crisis or stubborn dilemma; turning to the things of the world rather than turning to God.

In Jeremiah 2:13, the spirit of God laments, For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.

This may be sad, but so true; not only have many people turned away from God but tend to have a greater confidence in worldly systems, people and other carnal pursuits which are not able to bring them the solution or resolve that they seek. They may experience a temporary satisfaction and left feeling frustrated or confused.

Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence
is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures
for evermore. 
(Psalm 16:11)

In Psalm 16:11, I believe the Psalmist came to the realization that the answer to living an abundant life is in pursing the presence of Almighty God. He further states that the presence of God creates a peace and satisfaction that is not short-lived but endures forever.

I believe that the answer to all that the world is facing, especially with the recent Coronavirus pandemic, is to turn back to God. In the lives of many, the altars of prayer need to be rebuilt. An altar is a consecrated or dedicated place of sacrifice. Prayer is your communication or communion with God.

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. (James 5:16)

In order to rebuild the altars of prayer or to pray effectively, you must first come to the realization that you were seeking after the wrong things and that the presence of God in your life is your ultimate priority. Once you embrace this revelation, you can now seek to rebuild the altars of prayer by observing the following:

  1. Repent; you must first have a mind change and make a firm decision that you will do whatever it takes to turn back to God
  2. Refocus your life and forget anyone or anything that seeks to distract you from moving forward in your pursuit of developing a consecrated prayer life
  3. Release and let go of past issues and disappointments that may keep you from the presence of God
  4. Realign yourself with the will of God by making prayer, fasting and reading the Word of God a priority in your life
  5. Re-establish set times of prayer and remain faithful to them
  6. Remove yourself from people, places or practices which may challenge your commitment to your prayer life or walk with God
  7. Restore your relationship with the One True God and make Him and His will for your life your ultimate priority


PRAYER: (Pray this prayer of repentance and rededication to the things of God if you have not made Him your ultimate priority in your life.)

Father, I repent for all the wrong that I have done. I ask that you forgive me for not making you a priority in my life and at times seeking after other things before I seek after you in prayer. I ask that you would restore me back to you and give me the courage, strength and wisdom to go after you with all of my heart and mind, in Jesus name!

PROPHETIC DECLARATION: I decree and declare that this is your season of turnaround and that you will seek after the presence of God like never before and make Him a priority in everything that you do in Jesus name!

Psalm 51:1 – 12
Psalm 63:1
Psalm 42



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Mattie Nottage Ministries International.