Month: May 2020

25 May
By: Mattie Nottage Publications 0


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12)

There is a relentless, unseen war that takes place in the realm of the spirit between the kingdom of darkness ruled by satan and the kingdom of light which is ruled by God.

In Ephesians 2:2, satan is known as the prince of the power the air. It is said that he governs the second heaven, from where he commands a host of demons. His demonic confederation is structured and operates under a strict governing hierarchy of principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. It is from this realm, that believers encounter demonic attacks. Satan has demonic spirits assigned to attack, resist, hinder, oppress or destroy individuals, families, communities and even entire regions.

In Ephesians 6:12, we are reminded that our warfare is not with flesh and blood; it is not with people that we can see, but it is with demonic ruling spirits who are under the command of the devil. He can use people at times to come against you, but ultimately the attack originates from his wicked kingdom of darkness. In John 10:10, we are warned that the enemy only comes to steal, kill or destroy; but Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. In order to overcome the spiritual warfare from the second dimension, I admonish every believer to engage the spiritual weapon of prayer.
(2 Corinthians 10:4, 5)The warfare is spiritual and so are our weapons. Your power and victory was won by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. He died so that you can be victorious over every attack of the enemy. Praying in the name of Jesus and applying the blood of Jesus are spiritual strategies that will empower you to overcome every spiritual adversity in your life.




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13 May
By: Mattie Nottage Publications 0


During ancient times, the walls and gates of any city were erected to protect it from enemies and other unwanted invaders. These walls established boundaries, domains, territories, sovereignty, etc. Within the walls, the citizens, thereof were protected, fed, clothed, educated and cared for by their ruling monarch or leader. The city of Jerusalem was a place that God had set aside for His presence to manifest in the lives of His people. It was the place where the presence of God could not be found.

However, in Nehemiah 1:3-4, while serving as a cupbearer to the king, Nehemiah became burdened about the state of current disrepair of the walls and the gates of his beloved Jerusalem. Not only were the walls which once protected the city were broken down and the gates, which were the entry points of access were totally destroyed, but the city had become void of the presence of God and no-one sought their repair.

It is time for the people of God to wake and realize that we are in the last days. Every believer must evaluate his own life and begin to identify areas where spiritual walls and gates may have been broken down which have left you vulnerable to the influences of this world and the attacks of the enemy.

In Psalm 91, the Word of God reveals that he who dwells in the secret place of the Most High God shall abide under the shadow (the watchful care and protection) of the Almighty. We must perpetually seek to “build back the walls” through prayer and cultivating an intimate relationship with God, in so doing, you will erect spiritual walls of protection over your life, family, community, region and nation.

PRAYER: In the name of Jesus, I pray that you will continue to use your life to “build a place” where the Spirit of God can dwell. I come against every plan of the enemy that seeks to distract you from pursing your love for God and the things of God.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION: I decree and declare that every broken area in your life will be built back through prayer, repentance, humility and true holiness, in the mighty name of Jesus!
Mark 12:30
Joel 2:13
Zechariah 1:3
1 John 2:16



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12 May
By: Mattie Nottage Publications 0


7 Beloved, let us love one another : for love is of God ; and everyone that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. 8He that loveth not knoweth not God ; for God is love (1john 4:7-8)

Love is a treasured gift that should be valued. Many people spend most of their life on earth hating others or becoming so obsessed trying to be something or someone else that they lose themselves .They spend valuable time searching for “ something “ and even they themselves are not sure what that “something “ is or even where to find it. When everything begins to fail and fall down, they become disappointed and find it difficult to walk In love. Their deceitful lust and desire to have “more” has driven them away from truly loving God or others and even themselves. Unfortunately in an effort to fill the void, many tend to seek after sensual, carnal pleasures which take them on a demonic quest of the ego trip called “ I must have more!” You cannot truly love others if you have not embraced the love of God.

Only what you do for God and your love for him is eternal and will never be diminished. You must therefore evaluate your heart. Search deep within your soul, ask God what is his divine will for you, what is his plan for your life and how he wants you to accomplish it. This will foster a deep sense of love for him , a greater sense of personal fulfillment and a greater appreciation for life and others. Prayer: I pray that you would find the unconditional, unwavering love of God that is able to bring you a joy that is unspeakable and full of glory , I pray that as you continue to hope in and have faith in God , that you would come to know and experience that the greatest of these is the love of God.

Prophetic declaration:
I decree that you would love the Lord your God , with all your heart mind and strength and that you would love your neighbor as yourself, in Jesus name !

1 Corinthians 13
1Corinthians 13:13
Mark 13:3



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11 May
By: Mattie Nottage Publications 426


Why Do I Need Salvation?
Have you ever been to a place in your life where nothing seemed to be going right? During these difficult times, you may have felt lost, hopeless and somewhat confused. You may have even felt like giving up on everyone and everything. You may have thought that, if there was a God, He seemed distant and unresponsive. You may have wondered if the God your grandmother spoke about, prayed to and went to church to worship really existed. And, if He did exist, where is He? Did He really care? How can I get His attention?
15 The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous,
and his ears are open unto their cry. (Psalm 34:15)

In Psalm 34:15, the Psalmist David shares a life-changing
kingdom secret which reveals that God hears and answers those who have accepted Him and are in right standing with Him. The first step to getting God’s attention is accepting Him as Lord and personal Savior. Once you accept His as your Savior and Ruler, you are saved. You are now a Christian, submitted to God and on your way to heaven. However, while you are waiting to go to heaven your salvation also qualifies you for all of the benefits which come along with being led by Him while you are here on earth, just as a parent would lead his child. One you accept this eternalcovenant, you are saying that He is now in control of your life and it is His will, as your Heavenly Father, that you will seek to fulfill.

Salvation means to be saved from the consequences of sin. Sin causes you to be separated from God, which ultimately leads to spiritual death. Sin causes you to disobey God’s commandments and laws. Man’s sin in the Garden of Eden separated all of humanity from God. Although God had to judge the sin, He still loved man and wanted to restore His relationship with mankind.
4 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth
His Son, made of a woman, made under the law,
5 To redeem them that were under the law, that we might
receive the adoption of sons. (Galatians 4:4 – 5)

The Word of God says that in the fullness of time, God sent His Son, Jesus to shed His blood and die on the cross so that man’s soul could be redeemed and bought back from a judgment of eternal death. When we make the bold
confession to accept the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross, and declare His
Lordship over our lives, our sins are forgiven, we are reconciled back to God and we are saved from the consequences of sin – which is death (Romans 6:23).

The Process Of Salvation
Whenever you hear and are convicted by the message of the gospel of the Cross and how Jesus gave His life for you, the process of salvation has begun. As you continue to understand that you have missed the mark of holiness and His standard for your life the feelings of wrongdoings generally leads you to repentance. This conviction and repentance takes place because the Holy Spirit of God is now upon you. Conviction means to feel sorry in your heart for what you have done wrong and godly sorrow leads you to repentance. Repentance is the act of seeking God’s forgiveness by changing your mindset, your way of believing, your way of living, and asking Jesus Christ to show you the way of pleasing the Father. Your salvation is then sealed in the blood of Jesus Christ as you denounce the rulership of Satan.
This daily commitment to live according to the precepts of God causes you to develop a holy and godly lifestyle. The life that you are now living by faith in what God says you should do, how God says you should live and His plan for your life causes you to come into right standing with God. You position yourself for His unmerited favor and blessing which causes you to lead an abundant life.

The ABC’s of Salvation:
Acknowledge that you are a sinner. Believe that Jesus shed His blood and died for you. Confess that God has raised Jesus from the grave and He is Lord of your life.


Prayer of Salvation
If you are not saved, open your mouth and pray the following prayer aloud:
Father God, have mercy upon me this day according to your loving kindness and your tender mercies; blot out my transgressions and my iniquities (Psalm 51:1). Lord Jesus, I repent of every sin in my life. Please forgive me, wash me with your blood from the inside out, and cleanse me from ALL unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). Jesus I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that You died and rose from the dead that I might be saved (Romans 10:9). Jesus, I accept and declare that you are Lord and Savior over my life. I denounce Satan as lord over my life and take back ALL of the power over my life that I had given to him , in Jesus’ name. Lord Jesus come into my heart today and baptize me with your Holy Spirit and fire so that I may come into the knowledge of who You are. Form yourself in me, Lord Jesus. I thank You that You are saving me, even as I cry out to You for Your Word says that they that call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (Acts 2:21). Father, I thank you that it is by Your grace that I am saved this day ( Acts 15:11), in Jesus’ precious and Holy name I pray AMEN. Now that you have prayed this prayer in faith, you are a now a child of God.


“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17).Now that you are saved, denounce your ties to Satan and declare that he is no longer Lord of your life but that Jesus is now your Lord and Savior. You must realize that you are a new person with new goals, responsibilities, standards and a new outlook on life. You can no longer live, act and function as others in the world do. You must realize that as a Christian you are not your own you were bought with a price. You now belong to God and you have given Christ full authority over your life (Ephesians 1:7; Matthew 26:28). You must also realize that as a Christian your focus is on heavenly and spiritual matters. You should begin to ponder on things that are true, honest, just, pure, and of good report and on making going to heaven your primary concern (Philippians 4:8; Colossians 3:1-4). As you begin your new life in Christ, you will need to pray a prayer of deliverance; a prayer to break generational curses, ungodly soul ties, and strongholds over your life. (A “Prayer for Deliverance” by Dr. Mattie Nottage can be found in the Breaking The Chains, From Worship To Warfare) Speak this prayer out loud with authority!


“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things are passed away; behold, all things have become new” (2 Corinthians 5:17).Now that you are saved, denounce your ties to Satan and declare that he is no longer Lord of your life but that Jesus is now your Lord and Savior. You must realize that you are a new person with new goals, responsibilities, standards and a new outlook on life. You can no longer live, act and function as others in the world do. You must realize that as a Christian you are not your own you were bought with a price. You now belong to God and you have given Christ full authority over your life (Ephesians 1:7; Matthew 26:28). You must also realize that as a Christian your focus is on heavenly and spiritual matters. You should begin to ponder on things that are true, honest, just, pure, and of good report and on making going to heaven your primary concern (Philippians 4:8; Colossians 3:1-4). As you begin your new life in Christ, you will need to pray a prayer of deliverance; a prayer to break generational curses, ungodly soul ties, and strongholds over your life. (A “Prayer for Deliverance” by Dr. Mattie Nottage can be found in the Breaking The Chains, From Worship To Warfare) Speak this prayer out loud with authority!

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11 May
By: Mattie Nottage Publications 81


It is so important for you to understand that everything that happens in your life is governed by an altar.  However, equally important is understanding that your life is also governed or influenced by spiritual foundations, which exist in your lineage.  While spiritual foundations reveal the premise upon with a person’s life has been established, an altar speaks to the premise upon which a person’s life is governed.  Altars and Foundations in a persons life can he holy as well as they can be evil.

Foundations speak to the root, origin and source of each person’s existence.   These spiritual dynamics can be identified as you consider your family’s history or genealogy.  If you look closely,  you can identify similar traits in members of your family, no matter how far back they are in your genealogy.  Such traits may include, but are not limited to: most of the men in your family seem to die young, marriages do not  last in your family or many have not married at all, members of your family have succumbed to alcohol or drug addiction or there is a perverse spirit that seems to travel through each generation and more.  Whatever the trait, these common internal struggles speak to spiritual foundations which exist in a family’s lineage.

Once you determine the existence of an evil spiritual foundation or altar in your life, God has given you the authority and power to erect a holy altar of prayer in order to defeat it.  As you continue to develop a lifestyle of attracting the presence of God to your life by giving your life to serve Him, reading His Word, obeying His voice and more; each day, you will develop a greater spiritual ability to overcome every evil foundation or altar in your life!

PRAYER:  Father, I pray that the Spirit of God would destroy every demonic foundation or altar that exists in your life.  In 1 John 3:8 the Word of God reveals, for this cause was the Son of God, who is Jesus the Christ, manifested, that He may destroy the works of the devil.   I pray that the legal blood of Jesus Christ would destroy every active demonic altar and foundation in your life NOW, IN JESUS NAME!

PROPHETIC DECLARATION:  I decree and declare that the Spirit of God would overshadow you and give you the spiritual boldness and courage to erect holy spiritual altars which will continue to defeat every demonic altars and foundations in your life.

1 John 3:8
Luke 10:19
Ephesians 1:19
Romans 8:11



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08 May
By: Mattie Nottage Publications 98


An altar is a dedicated place or a place of sacrifice unto a god or deity. Altar in Hebrew is mizbeah (pronounced miz-bay-akh) and means an altar or to slay. In the Greek, altar is thusiasterian meaning an altar as a place of sacrifice. A sacrifice represents an act of slaughtering an animal or person; a place to offer or give a possession or something of value as an offering to a deity in exchange for a benefit, such as blessings, protection, prosperity, favor and the like.

Entering the place called an altar gives you the legal right to enter the spirit realm. Therefore, the altar is also known as the place where the natural man can connect with the spiritual realm. Every altar is established for a specific reason. This reason can be godly; for a holy purpose or it can also be demonic; for an evil purpose. No matter its purpose, every altar is activated by a sacrifice.

Everything that happens in your life takes place because an altar is in place. If you constantly find yourself being rejected, coming up short, losing out on opportunities or failing at simple tasks then there may be a wicked altar erected with your name on it; whether by deliberate, targeted attacks by wicked or ungodly people or inherited family curses, you must continually destroy wicked altars in your life and seek to erect holy ones.

John 10:10 reveals that Jesus came that you might enjoy an abundant life. In Romans 14:17, the Word of God clearly outlines that  “…the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.” This is what Jesus died to bring you; a life that is experienced and enjoyed through the righteousness of God that comes through Jesus, the Christ with the indwelling help of Holy Spirit as you serve a holy God.

PRAYER: I pray that the Spirit of God will help you to expose every ungodly altar in your life and give you the courage to defeat these altars as you seek to diligently erect holy altars through a consistent prayer life, reading the Word of God and through praising and worshipping God.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION: I decree and declare that as you continually seek to build the holy altars of God in your life that your life will never be the same, through the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.

2 Chronicles 32:12
Deuteronomy 7:5
2 Kings 11:18
2 Kings 21:4



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07 May
By: Mattie Nottage Publications 0


In my book, I Refuse To Die, It’s My Time To Live, I share a few survival tips that helped me survive some of the worst storms that I have had to face. I will share some of them and pray that they are a blessing to you:

  • · In John 16:33, one of the first thing Jesus told them was to be of good cheer. You must find your joy and be happy.
  • · You must recognize, see and hear God in the midst of your crises. Ignore all other voices and distractions.
  • · You must overcome the spirit of fear. Some storms can be “optical illusions” and appear to be worse than they really are. They look like one thing but as you go through them, you see something different. (F.E.A.R. is nothing more than False Evidence Appearing Real)
  • · You must defeat the spirit of doubt by holding fast to your confidence in God. Doubt is an indication that you once believed something, however you are struggling to maintain that same belief, confidence or trust in that thing.
  • · There is a purpose for everything that God allows you to go through. He promised that He would never leave you nor forsake you. If you are in the midst of a storm, seek God for His divine purpose and providence.
  • · You must obey and do exactly what Jesus tells you to do. Be prepared to step out of the box; do not lean on your own intellect or knowledge for “spiritual” success trust God, wholeheartedly.
  • · No matter the adversity, you must make it to the other side, in spite of the winds and waves.

Come out of your deadly storm experience with something tangible, such as a song, an album, a painting, a book, a divine revelation, a divine connection, a new name, or a refocused destiny…do not just come out empty!!! (1 Samuel 30)

PRAYER: Father, I pray for this precious reader, who may be facing a very difficult challenge right now. I pray that you would give strengthen him in the midst of this difficult time and reveal Yourself to him as strong tower that he can lean on. I come against every spirit of fear, doubt and unbelief and release the strength of God upon him to come through every storm, victoriously.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION: I decree and declare that no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper and that you will walk in a “wealthy place” after your storm, in Jesus name!

Psalm 66:12
1 Samuel 30
Isaiah 54:16-17



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06 May
By: Mattie Nottage Publications 2


Hurricane Dorian, a Category Five monster storm was documented as the most powerful hurricane to hit landfall in history. This massive system savagely ravaged two of the northern islands of the Bahamas, Abaco and Grand Bahama for several hours, leaving a path of death and destruction, such as had never been seen before.

After the storm, stories emerged of how scores of people were forced to take drastic measures just to survive. The horror of the images of this brutal storm were lamented by all. In the aftermath of the storm, the lives of many people were changed forever.

Similarly, the “storms of life” can bring devastating challenges, that can alter the very course of your life. After waking from an emergency surgery; burying a son or daughter; surviving a tragic car crash; rebounding from bankruptcy; enduring a tumultuous marriage or bitter divorce; many look back on such experiences with a new outlook on life; whether good or bad; no one can face such extreme traumas and remain the same.

John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

In John 16:33, Jesus warns and encourages His disciples that there will be confronted with many challenging experiences, but once we keep our hope and confidence in Him, He will give us the power to overcome any challenge we face in life.

PRAYER: I pray that you will begin to strengthen your relationship with God so that when you are confronted with the difficulties of life, that you will be able to trust God to help you endure to the end. I come against every spirit fear and confusion that would distract you from turning to God as your ultimate source as you seek to navigate the adversities of life. In Jesus name!

PROPHETIC DECLARATION: I decree and declare that you will call on the Lord in your distress knowing that He is a strong and mighty tower that the righteous can run into and be safe!

Proverbs 16:9
Psalm 107:28-31
Nahum 1:7
Isaiah 25:4-5



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04 May
By: Mattie Nottage Publications 3289


This too shall pass!…
Words that can have so little meaning when you are confronted by some of life’s greatest storms. Although it may be true, when you are in the midst of a dilemma, many times you resort to survival mode with little thought of the end of the matter, as you try to focus everything within you on making it through this storm.

14 The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear?

In Proverbs 18:14, the word of God reveals that the spirit of a man will sustain him in his infirmity but a wounded soul who can bear?

This simply means that the strength of your soul or your “inner strength” will determine your outcome of the trial you are facing. The truth of the matter is that nothing comes to last and truly one day out of the seven, what you are facing will pass. I encourage you today, if you are faced with a difficulty or hardship, take some time to seek God for wisdom, knowledge and direction for during and after the storm. He may be trying to get your attention; shift your direction or change your entire destiny.

In Proverbs 3:6, He says that if we were to acknowledge Him that He would direct our paths. Whatever the reason for the storm we know that all things are working together for good. (Romans 8:28)

PRAYER: I cover you under the blood of Jesus Christ and pray that you will have the courage and strength to overcome every difficulty, hardship or trial that comes your way, knowing that it did not come to last…but that this too shall pass!

PROPHETIC DECLARATION: I decree and declare that you will receive the strength of the Almighty God to endure to the end of your tests, trials and adversities, in Jesus name!

1 Corinthians 10:13
Psalm 34:19
Psalm 34:6



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Mattie Nottage Ministries International.